Thursday, May 3, 2012

Why I Relay

You may have already heard from my sister, Jessica over at Heart on Homestead, we are participating in this year's Relay for Life.

The Relay for Life is held by the American Cancer Society and raises money to help find cures, better treatment, and help those currently affected by cancer in many different ways. Cancer has touched our family and friends and is a horrible thing to face. The Relay was mentioned in one of our many get-togethers with the RHH and we decided to go for it.

We all have our own reason why we Relay. This is mine:

I Relay because my grandfather was a great man. He was the keystone of our family and I wish so much that he was here to meet my daughter. He had throat cancer, which he fought and beat. Then he was diagnosed with lung cancer. He fought that and had surgery to remove part of his lung. When he was re-diagnosed years later he didn't want to fight anymore. He decided he just wanted to be home with his family and enjoy the time he had left with them. I saw him soon before he passed away and he was in pain, couldn't eat more than a couple bites of food at a time, and was just a portion of the man I remembered. It hurt so much to see him like that. I knew when he passed that he was in a place where he could no longer suffer but he shouldn't have had to suffer like that. I feel like cancer stole him from our family.

I Relay because my Uncle George, Nicole at Pampers and Pumps' father, fought childhood cancer. He was able to beat it but the treatments were not what they are today and they gave him another list of problems. He was diagnosed with skin cancer and prostate cancer as an adult. Not only was he fighting these cancers he was dealing with fluid surrounding his heart and lungs. He had numerous procedures to help remove/lessen the fluid but it continued to return. There was a point where he needed a lung transplant to survive. Unfortunately, he could not receive the transplant at the time due to his prostate cancer diagnosis being so recent. I saw him work just to breathe. He lost a lot of weight and looked sick and tired. I hated seeing him like that. I am so glad that I  was able to visit him in the hospital the month before he passed. My uncle never got to meet my daughter, which really upsets me, but he knew that she was born and that we were doing well. Quorra attended his funeral at only a couple weeks old. My cousin's sons will never know their grandfather. Cancer and side effects from the treatments are why all the babies will never get to meet my amazing Uncle George.

I Relay because my friends have lost family members to cancer. Because my friends have parents who have spent years fighting cancer. Because my husband has lost family members to cancer. I Relay for those who won't get to watch their kids grow up. For those who have lost spouses, parents, siblings, and best friends. For those who have taken care of a family member or friend that is fighting. I Relay because cancer sucks. I Relay to make more birthdays.

Ever dollar helps find cures and better treatments. Please consider donating to our team. Even just $5. Remember that donations are tax deductible, so you can get the money back.

Help us make more birthdays.

Visit my personal Relay for Life page to make a donation. You can donate there or you can click on my team's page and donate toward the team's goal.

How has cancer affected you? Why do you Relay?

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