Monday, April 30, 2012

Diaper Rash Woes

I'm so sad that my little one has had diaper rash for the past week or so. She never got diaper rash before she starting eating solids and now she gets it every couple weeks. This current go around is a bit harder for me to kick. Her other rashes went away after a few days. This one is sticking around much too long.

I am always pretty neurotic about changing Quorra's diapers often. Once I notice that she has pooped or peed she gets changed. Then I dry her bottom with a cloth diaper before putting her disposable diaper on. I give her no-diaper time after her bath too. This process was great for preventing diaper rash for the first six months of her life. Once Quorra started eating solids, though, I couldn't keep them away. I watch what foods she eats to see if a certain one or type of food causes it and I haven't found any correlation.

I thought maybe it's the wipes... Maybe it's the diapers... Maybe it's the person who took care of her that day... I can't figure it out.

Quorra's poor little bottom is all red, raw, and now peeling a tiny bit. I feel so bad for her. I can tell it's painful since she fusses when I wipe her (which I don't do unless I have to). Petroleum jelly hasn't helped. Desatin hasn't  helped. Burt's Bees Diaper Ointment hasn't helped. I have now turned to A&D Ointment.

Wish me luck. If you all have any suggestions I would love to hear them. If the ointment doesn't help my next step is to put breastmilk on her bottom. Sounds weird, I know, but I have heard that breastmilk does wonders.

Have you moms have had a diaper rash that just wouldn't go away? What helped?


  1. I feel your pain. My daughter is about the same age as yours and she had a "flare" of a rash on her tush when introducing solids too. That is pretty common.

    I do hear that ascorbic acid can cause that- a lot of store bought baby foods contain ascorbic acid to preserve the food. Also- with that, any citrus foods of course might cause that irritation. We still haven't introduced any citrus foods for that reason- and try to make as much as possible.

    Are you doing cloth full time? There are certain rash creams that should not be used with cloth. We have been using Angel baby bottom which helps. We also do aquaphor at bedtime after her bath since she is in a cloth for 12 hours at night. Once our daughter had a terrible rash, but that we because we used an "unsafe" detergent as a quick fix. Here is a list of detergent ratings- as some could cause a lot of irritation

    So sorry that is causing both of you so much trouble! Hope it clears up soon. Keep up the hard work girl- parenthood is hard!

    1. I have made all her food so far. She hasn't had any citrus fruits yet. So not sure about the food. She eats bananas, apples, and pears though. I use disposable diapers on her and use the cloth ones to dry her off after she pees/gets wiped during changed. The A&D ointment has worked so far! Thanks!

    2. I have made all her food so far. She hasn't had any citrus fruits yet. So not sure about the food. She eats bananas, apples, and pears though. I use disposable diapers on her and use the cloth ones to dry her off after she pees/gets wiped during changed. The A&D ointment has worked so far! Thanks!

    3. I have made all her food so far. She hasn't had any citrus fruits yet. So not sure about the food. She eats bananas, apples, and pears though. I use disposable diapers on her and use the cloth ones to dry her off after she pees/gets wiped during changed. The A&D ointment has worked so far! Thanks!
