Monday, January 23, 2012


Welcome to My Uneventful Life. This blog is about… well…… uneventful life.

I’ve recently become a new mommy so most of what you will hear about will be regarding my experiences that come along with welcoming a baby into my life. I live in a small Southern town where not much goes on. Family and friends are a big part of who I am. They are there for me through thick and thin and they know I am there for them, no matter what.

Now, for the introductions of the key players.

First there is me, Heather. I’m a mid-twenties woman and will admit that I can be a bit weird. But you gotta have some spice in life, right? I like to have my kind of fun and if doing a little jig in a store for finding “the perfect onesie” is wrong, I don’t wanna be right.


Next there is my husband, Romeo. No, that is not a pet name or a joke. That is his name. It’s pronounced Roe-may-oh. He is from an Italian family so get used to Italian names. You’ll hear plenty of them.  We’ve been married for three years and, although we had some pretty tough times in the past, he is the love of my life and I couldn’t imagine being with anyone else. He is amazingly supportive and gets my odd sense of humor. I love that he isn’t afraid to be weird with me. And that he doesn’t judge me when I’m goofy all on my own. He is the Ren to my Stimpy. The Spongebob to my Patrick.

Then there is the newest family member, our beautiful daughter Quorra (pronounced Cora).  She is the light of my life. There was a time when I wasn’t sure I could be a mom but I am so glad we decided to have a baby because now I could never imagine my life without her. I love her more than I ever imagined loving anyone or anything. Having and raising a child is hard work but I wouldn’t change it for the world. Quorra will be the basis to most of my posts. I’m new to this parenting thing so we are working things out and learning together, day by day. Oh, and if I hear of any child from here on out with the name Quorra I will know that you stole it from me. Be creative and think of your own baby name. Mm Kay? Good.

Like I said, my family is a huge part of my life. You’ll hear most often about my sister, Jessica.  We are only a year and a half apart in age and we are super close. Of course, we had our rough patch when we were middle school/high school age, but don’t most kids? She is an amazing auntie to little Quorra and is always there for me, whether it’s for a shoulder to cry on, someone to bitch to, a voice of reason, a listening ear, fun times together, or a last minute baby-sitter.  Her husband, Kevin, is also pretty legit. I honestly could not imagine any better man for her. Oh, and did I mention that Jessica also has an amazing blog?? You should check it out. Heart on Homestead.  Do it. Right now.  Well, after reading my blog, of course. Other then my sister, I have two brothers and (obviously) a mom and dad. My mom and dad are still married, which seems to be rare now-a-days.

Other family members that will be mentioned plenty will be my cousins, Kristin and Nicole. Although we live over 5 hours driving time apart (and have always been at least that far away) we grew up together and are the best of friends. My sister, my cousins, and I are a fierce foursome. Be jealous.

Also, Nicole has an amazing blog as well. Read it. Pampers and Pumps.

Then there’s the Real Housewives of Harrisonburg, aka the RHH. And no, you can’t join. We are a group of ladies that have become great friends and love hanging out together. (Harrisonburg is the Podunk city that we live near.) We do tons together and are a great supportive system for each other. The RHH consists of (for now, we add people often): Kristin L. (who also has a mad awesome blog, Halfway a Housewife), Michelle (who’s blog is Left on WishingWell) (can you tell blogging is the new black?), Angela, Lindsey, Megan, Laura, and Natasha. Kristin and Nicole are honorary RHH members as they don’t live near us.

And now we have come to the main guy himself…. Big man of the house… Kahu. He is my 4 ½ year old Great Dane.  He is spoiled rotten. I love my puppy. You will love him too, whether you like it or not.

So, there you have it. The main folks that make up who I am.

For my readers, there is not much that I can promise you. But I do promise that I won’t write every day, I’ll probably post blurry cell phone photos, have tons of misspellings and grammar issues, you won’t always understand my humor, and I’ll try to give you some insight into being a new mom.

Now read on to see how things progress in my continuing quest to be a good mommy and finding balance with having a baby and having a life. Even if it is an uneventful one.


  1. Welcome to the blogging world sister!! :D

  2. Yay... You are a blogger ... So proud "ren to my stimpy" that was funny, "i had to laugh"

  3. As soon as Jessica (being one of my favorites everrrr) posted about your blog, I knew I had to follow. Welcome to blogging! :)

  4. Ahhhhh I'm so excited! Not only are we real life bff's you're now one of my bbff's! #werock

  5. Welcome to the blog world! Your daughter is adorable. Newest follower!

  6. Welcome! I stopped by from Jessica's blog. Your baby girl is precious. Can't wait to read more! :)

  7. Thank you ladies! More to come soon!

  8. welcome to blog land I came over to yours through your sisters :)

  9. Welcome! Followed over here from your sister's blog :)
